Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hectic Times

Well, I'm going to try to be better about blogging and get back into it! These are hectic times around here lately. Tim and I are both trying to get our students ready for TCAP. There doesn't seem like there is enough time in the school year to squeeze everything in. I'm just ready for the test to be over and behind us! Only 1 1/2 weeks left until then!

Tim and I both applied for the assistant principal pool. We both were accepted into the pool and now we are having to wait to see if we get any interviews. I'm really hoping that we get interviews. I really would like to get a job as assistant principal even though I do love my job at Sycamore.

As for the kiddies, they have been great and into everything! Addy's birthday party was a success. We had it at Build-A-Bear this year and the girls loved it. I am now preparing for Stone's 1st birthday party. The theme is going to be Mickey Mouse. I'm going to try to be crafty and do a lot myself, but we will see. I want it to be cute, but I don't know if I'm going to have time to do it all.

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