1. What is your favorite summer time activity?
My favorite summer activity is laying out by or in the pool. However we don't have a "real" pool! We did put up our "redneck" above ground pool yesterday! So floating around here I come!!
I don't get to lay out too much because the kiddies keep me pretty busy around the yard. Stone is always trying to get into everything so I have to keep an eye on him!
Even when we go to friends' houses that have pools I have to make sure Stone is taken care of! I can't wait to get to that point where he is able to be more independent like Addy. And NO I am not wishing my cutie pie little boy grow up faster, I just want the independence back! There's nothing wrong with that!
2. Do you have one laundry soap you stick to, or do you buy whatever's on sale?
I only stick with Tide! A vary scents of Tide, but Tide only for us! Of course for the kids I still buy Dreft. I just love the smell of it! It smells so baby like and I want that smell to stay around forever!! I wish they could bottle that smell and make a room spray because I would invest in that!!!
3. What is your favorite dinner to make in the summer?
I don't actual cook very well, so the favorite dinner is burgers from the grill!! And I actual don't grill, the hubs does that! I love me some cheeseburgers! I also love the smell of the grill! What is up with me and smells?!
4. Do you have any talents?
My obscure talent is directions! As long as I go somewhere once I usually can get back there easily. I'm also pretty good at giving very (VERY) detailed directions to people. I can remember what landmark was by the road you turn or what you will see. Don't ask me distances though! I am TERRIBLE at measurement unless you give me something to measure with!
5. If you could instantly be an expert in something, what would it be? Why?
I don't know if I would want to be an expert at anything because then people would want to know stuff from me all of the time!
But if I had to choose one thing I would choose ..... teaching! And I know your thinking, wait aren't you a teacher and shouldn't you be an expert at that anyway? I feel that I am a good teacher, but I am always wanting to find new ways and better ways to do things! So I guess I would want to be an expert teacher so that I would be the best I could be at my job!
Hope I didn't bore y'all too bad! Catch you on the flip side!
1 comment:
Wow. A teacher who wants to be an expert teacher...
All I can is that you must really care about your students! That is awesome to want to be better than what you are already good at.
Now why didn't I think of that?
(Stopping by from 5QF.)
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