Addy is finally coming home today after being gone for 11 days! I have missed her terribly! She went to my parents last Thursday (along with Stone). They went because Tim was gone to a conference in Tampa for his grad school and I was going to go "party hard" with my Chi O girls in Martin for the 50th reunion.
Pledge Class 97
Stone came home on Monday afternoon, but Addy stayed in Lexington with Grandmama (Tim's mom). The reason she didn't come back was because GiGi and Grandaddy (my parents) were taking Addy on an Easter Egg Hunt train ride that was leaving out of Nashville yesterday. Since they would have to come back at the end of the week to pick her back up, they decided to keep her in Lexington and bring her back today.
It was nice not having to rush every morning. You soon forget what it was like just to wake up and get yourself and ONE kid ready every morning before work! Also I did not miss fighting with her every morning about trying to get ready! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my baby girl is a bit of a drama queen and wants to take her time on EVERYTHING in the morning!
Her friends at the sitter's missed her and asked me every morning while I was dropping off Stone "When is Addison coming back?" Where I would reply "Monday". This went on every day too!
Who knew 4 year olds didn't have time down yet?
Wait a minute... some of my 5th graders don't have time yet!
Addy missed her Easter party at the sitter's on Friday. I have her basket and goodies waiting for her in her room and haven't let Stone open his yet (like he even knows!). So this afternoon they both can open their things together!
Addy has had a wonderful time at GiGi and Grandaddy's and at Grandmama's, but Mommy and Daddy are ready for her to come home. My mom said that Addy had told her that she missed her Mama, Daddy, and Stone!
Whenever she is gone for a period of time, she looks like she has grown up even more on me! My baby girl is not so much a baby anymore! Somedays I wish there was a way to slow down time, but I know they have to grow and learn!
Can't wait to see her!!!

1 comment:
Aww, how sweet!
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