Sorry there is only 1 picture of Addy! She doesn't like to look at the camera any more so its hard to get a good pic of her!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Pour Your Heart Out
Okay so this a little (maybe a lot) off topic than my normal family posts, but its just something I have to get out there!
My weight!!
I don't know what to do! It's not that I am that overweight, but I look like I'm still 4/5 months pregnant and my baby is 13 MONTHS old!! I told myself that I would really work on it this summer because I don't know about you guys, but its too hard to work out while you have a full time job AND 2 kids to chase around!
So I have now been working out (not consistently, but way more than I was!) for a little over 3 weeks and I have not lost a pound! NOT 1 FREAKING POUND!
I don't watch what I eat, but I have been eating less because I really been running around doing things with the kids. I know me and if I stay in this house all day I will graze all day long!
I know its not going to magically come off, but a little help from above would be nice.
My only real problem area is my stomach! I didn't gain as much weight with Stone as I did with Addy. And I've almost lost all of the weight I did put on with him (only about 3 pounds shy). But I still look pregnant!
I am really (REALLY) starting to hate all of my friends and others that I know that are back down to their size and don't even look like they have had a baby. I guess the real reason this is bothering me so much is because it's summer and I have to wear a bathing suit! I'm also getting really sick and tired of people asking me when I am due and I have to tell them I'm not. Then they give me that pity look, like "Sorry you fatass!"
Thanks for listening!
Friday, June 17, 2011
5 Question Friday
1. What is your favorite summer time activity?
My favorite summer activity is laying out by or in the pool. However we don't have a "real" pool! We did put up our "redneck" above ground pool yesterday! So floating around here I come!!
I don't get to lay out too much because the kiddies keep me pretty busy around the yard. Stone is always trying to get into everything so I have to keep an eye on him!
Even when we go to friends' houses that have pools I have to make sure Stone is taken care of! I can't wait to get to that point where he is able to be more independent like Addy. And NO I am not wishing my cutie pie little boy grow up faster, I just want the independence back! There's nothing wrong with that!
2. Do you have one laundry soap you stick to, or do you buy whatever's on sale?
I only stick with Tide! A vary scents of Tide, but Tide only for us! Of course for the kids I still buy Dreft. I just love the smell of it! It smells so baby like and I want that smell to stay around forever!! I wish they could bottle that smell and make a room spray because I would invest in that!!!
3. What is your favorite dinner to make in the summer?
I don't actual cook very well, so the favorite dinner is burgers from the grill!! And I actual don't grill, the hubs does that! I love me some cheeseburgers! I also love the smell of the grill! What is up with me and smells?!
4. Do you have any talents?
My obscure talent is directions! As long as I go somewhere once I usually can get back there easily. I'm also pretty good at giving very (VERY) detailed directions to people. I can remember what landmark was by the road you turn or what you will see. Don't ask me distances though! I am TERRIBLE at measurement unless you give me something to measure with!
5. If you could instantly be an expert in something, what would it be? Why?
I don't know if I would want to be an expert at anything because then people would want to know stuff from me all of the time!
But if I had to choose one thing I would choose ..... teaching! And I know your thinking, wait aren't you a teacher and shouldn't you be an expert at that anyway? I feel that I am a good teacher, but I am always wanting to find new ways and better ways to do things! So I guess I would want to be an expert teacher so that I would be the best I could be at my job!
Hope I didn't bore y'all too bad! Catch you on the flip side!
Monday, June 13, 2011
2nd Baby Bump
Linking up with Shell from Things I Can't Say to Rock my Baby Bump!
Here is my baby bump with Stone!
And I still haven't lost all of that baby bump! :(
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Mother of 2 Again
Well, I'm now the mother of 2 (AGAIN)! Addy came back home today from being at my parent's for a week. She went to GiGi's and Grandaddy's because my mom wanted Addy to go to VBS at her church. She had a great time. My brother came in on Monday to my parent's with my nephew, Jude. Jude ended up staying the rest of the week with Addy, so she had a partner in crime for the week.
Of course Jude is only 14 months old!
She got to visit my mother-in-law and sister-in-law and her cousin, Aubrey. She had a blast with them! She talked all about how Aubrey cried when she left Addy and had to go home!
My mom and dad took her and Jude out on the lake for a boat ride.

The week before Stone went to my parent's house and stayed with them while Addy stayed here for her dance camp. She had a great time at dance camp. She learned 3 dance routines in 4 days. She did really well for a 4 year old!
Of course I let her stay out too long at the pool one day and she got extremely burned! No, I'm not a bad mother! I promise I sprayed her, but she is just so fair skinned!! Her face is still pink now even after more than a week!
So now I have both of my kiddies back! It feels like normal life again! Laughs and yelling!! ;)
Thursday, June 9, 2011
The Sprinkler Park
I took Stone to the sprinkler park for the first time. Addy is in Lexington this week for VBS at my parent's church, so it was just Stone and me. He was very hesitant at first, but once he found out what he could do there was not stopping him! He was all over the place! He ran back and forth each time a new sprinkler came on. He is a lot braver than Addy was at his age! I remember taking Addy for the first time the summer after she turned 1 and she wouldn't get near the water. Its so funny to see how two kids for the same parents can be so different! We will be going back next week (the 3 of us) to see both of them playing out in the water.
Yes, he put is face right in the water and there was no crying!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Missing my Baby Girl
Addy is finally coming home today after being gone for 11 days! I have missed her terribly! She went to my parents last Thursday (along with Stone). They went because Tim was gone to a conference in Tampa for his grad school and I was going to go "party hard" with my Chi O girls in Martin for the 50th reunion.
Pledge Class 97
Stone came home on Monday afternoon, but Addy stayed in Lexington with Grandmama (Tim's mom). The reason she didn't come back was because GiGi and Grandaddy (my parents) were taking Addy on an Easter Egg Hunt train ride that was leaving out of Nashville yesterday. Since they would have to come back at the end of the week to pick her back up, they decided to keep her in Lexington and bring her back today.
It was nice not having to rush every morning. You soon forget what it was like just to wake up and get yourself and ONE kid ready every morning before work! Also I did not miss fighting with her every morning about trying to get ready! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my baby girl is a bit of a drama queen and wants to take her time on EVERYTHING in the morning!
Her friends at the sitter's missed her and asked me every morning while I was dropping off Stone "When is Addison coming back?" Where I would reply "Monday". This went on every day too!
Who knew 4 year olds didn't have time down yet?
Wait a minute... some of my 5th graders don't have time yet!
Addy missed her Easter party at the sitter's on Friday. I have her basket and goodies waiting for her in her room and haven't let Stone open his yet (like he even knows!). So this afternoon they both can open their things together!
Addy has had a wonderful time at GiGi and Grandaddy's and at Grandmama's, but Mommy and Daddy are ready for her to come home. My mom said that Addy had told her that she missed her Mama, Daddy, and Stone!
Whenever she is gone for a period of time, she looks like she has grown up even more on me! My baby girl is not so much a baby anymore! Somedays I wish there was a way to slow down time, but I know they have to grow and learn!
Can't wait to see her!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011
Summer Reading List: Teacher Style
Well this is the first time I have ever linked up with another blog, but I wanted to try it! I am linking up with Kelly's Korner for Show Us Your Life.
I love to read, but rarely find time with two kiddies, a hubby, and a full time job as an educator of today's youth! The only time I find time to read is in the summer.
So what is on my reading list? I love to read books that my students read. I find them very interesting and very easy reads. The summer after I had Addison, I really got into the 39 Clues books. I LOVE them, and so does our principal! I have read all the way to #7. I have #7-10 on the bookshelf, but I haven't read them yet so they are on my list first!

A more adult book that I want to read is The Help.

I borrowed this book from a good friend of my about 2 months ago. I planned on reading it during Spring Break. Of course I got very busy and didn't get around to it!
I love reading everyone else's reading list to find great books. Maybe someday I will be able to read more often (or at least thing I want to read!).
I love to read, but rarely find time with two kiddies, a hubby, and a full time job as an educator of today's youth! The only time I find time to read is in the summer.
So what is on my reading list? I love to read books that my students read. I find them very interesting and very easy reads. The summer after I had Addison, I really got into the 39 Clues books. I LOVE them, and so does our principal! I have read all the way to #7. I have #7-10 on the bookshelf, but I haven't read them yet so they are on my list first!

A more adult book that I want to read is The Help.

I borrowed this book from a good friend of my about 2 months ago. I planned on reading it during Spring Break. Of course I got very busy and didn't get around to it!
I love reading everyone else's reading list to find great books. Maybe someday I will be able to read more often (or at least thing I want to read!).
Monday, April 11, 2011
Stone is 11 Months
Stone turned 11 months today. Here is all of the things he has done in the past month and the things he likes.
He is walking around everywhere. He has been walking for a few weeks now and he has gotten more balance lately. He is almost running!!
He is starting to bend down pick things up and stand back up again on a regularly basis without falling.
He can wave and say bye-bye.
We think he can say mama, but he doesn't use it very often.
He loves to eat when anyone else is eating.
He will try almost anything to eat, but sometimes textures get to him and won't eat whatever it is! (he is too much like his daddy!)
He goes to bed by 8:00 and is up by 6:30 or 7:00.
He loves to stick to a schedule. (He is a lot like his mama!)
He is starting to use a sippy cup for milk only in the morning.
He loves going outside to play in the grass and dirt! (Such a boy!)
He has 7 teeth: 4 on top and 3 on the bottom
He is such a happy little boy that loves life!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
To Eat or Not to Eat
We have been really struggling with Addison eating. I never thought that a 4 year old would not want to eat, but she DOESN'T! She never wants to try anything new because in her words "It's too yucky!" Of course we ask her "Have your ever tried it?" Her response "No, because its yucky!" The the rebuttal to that comment is the quote from Yo Gabba Gabba, "Try it, you might like it!" Nothing ever seems to work. For the past year or more she has lived off of mini pancakes (plain), chocolate chip waffles(plain), and chicken nuggets and fries. Now the chicken nuggets have to be from certain places or she won't eat them either!
For her birthday, I told her we could go where ever she wanted to go. She said "Charley's" (her name for O'Charley's). Then she proceeded to ask me could she only eat rolls and butter and nothing else because that is all she wanted. I told her it was her birthday and that was okay with me. At O'Charley's she ate 4 rolls!! Then she ate a cheese stick from one of our friends plates. I told the waitress that it was Addy's birthday and could we get a brownie and ice cream. Addy ENGULFED all of the brownie and ice cream all by herself!!!!! Right after she looked a little too full. Tim asked her if she was going to get sick, but she said no. But I knew deep down it was about to happen. I took her to the bathroom and it ALL came back up!! This was the 2nd birthday that she had thrown up on!
How do you get a very picky 4 year old to eat some healthier food? We have tried to get her to eat other things by telling her she wouldn't get anything else to eat. But she just doesn't eat! Luckily for her and us, she is gaining weight and the doctor said everything was fine!
Just a frustrating part of being a parent!!! Hopefully one day it will get better and hopefully that day will be before she starts school!!!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Impromptu Zoo Trip
Well this morning started out like any Saturday morning when Tim is gone to class. Stone woke up at 7:00 and I fed him breakfast and made some coffee for myself. I was trying to run through the list of everything I wanted to get done today while Tim was gone. I have to do this because if I don't make a time line for myself its too hard to do things with 2 kids by myself for 8 hours! Iwas going to clean up a little around the house, finish the laundry, run out to Target and Hobby Lobby, and sit around here enjoying the beautiful day with my kiddies. Well, then Addy got up. While she was eating breakfast, she looked outside and said, "Mama, it looks like a perfect day for the zoo!" I tried every excuse to get out of going even though I knew it would make her happy. I just knew I would be too tired by the time I got everyone ready out the door and spent time there and my list that I made myself would never get complete!

So I took a very, very quick shower while Stone was in his highchair and Addy was still eating. My plan was to leave the house by 10:00. And guess what? We were all ready and everything was packed! I was shocked! So we were off to the zoo which Addy was THRILLED about!
We had a wonderful time while we were there. There wasn't too many people and it was GORGEOUS! Stone was great which I thought he might get a little tired while we were there. He did take a nap on the way there which probably helped.
After about 2 hours there, Addy was tired and ready to leave. When we got home everyone had some quiet time or went to sleep for about an hour (even Mommy!). I'm really glad that I got to share this beautiful day with my two babies at the zoo even though I didn't get anything done on my list! I guess there is always tomorrow!! :)
Addy and Stone when we got to the zoo. She was so excited for her and her brother!
Cute little boy!
Addy had to bring her camera to take pictures too. Hopefully I can find the cord for her camera and post them on here one day!!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
So Many Differences
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Hectic Times
Well, I'm going to try to be better about blogging and get back into it! These are hectic times around here lately. Tim and I are both trying to get our students ready for TCAP. There doesn't seem like there is enough time in the school year to squeeze everything in. I'm just ready for the test to be over and behind us! Only 1 1/2 weeks left until then!
Tim and I both applied for the assistant principal pool. We both were accepted into the pool and now we are having to wait to see if we get any interviews. I'm really hoping that we get interviews. I really would like to get a job as assistant principal even though I do love my job at Sycamore.
As for the kiddies, they have been great and into everything! Addy's birthday party was a success. We had it at Build-A-Bear this year and the girls loved it. I am now preparing for Stone's 1st birthday party. The theme is going to be Mickey Mouse. I'm going to try to be crafty and do a lot myself, but we will see. I want it to be cute, but I don't know if I'm going to have time to do it all.
Tim and I both applied for the assistant principal pool. We both were accepted into the pool and now we are having to wait to see if we get any interviews. I'm really hoping that we get interviews. I really would like to get a job as assistant principal even though I do love my job at Sycamore.
As for the kiddies, they have been great and into everything! Addy's birthday party was a success. We had it at Build-A-Bear this year and the girls loved it. I am now preparing for Stone's 1st birthday party. The theme is going to be Mickey Mouse. I'm going to try to be crafty and do a lot myself, but we will see. I want it to be cute, but I don't know if I'm going to have time to do it all.
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