Sorry I haven't written in a while, but its been very busy around the Strickland household. Stone is almost 5 months! He has been growing fast! He has made an awesome addition to our family. Addy loves him and loves to show him off. He has begun to roll over. He can get from his back to belly, but then gets stuck. And he has such a temper that he becomes really mad and screams until someone comes and turns him back over. Of course he flips right back over!! Stone has also begun on solids. He has been eating cereal for about 2 or 3 weeksnow. We have tried apples, bananas, peas, and squash. He really doesn't like the vegetables, but he is starting to get used to them. As for Addy, she hasstarted gymnastics and dance. We have gymnastics on Mondays. She goes with two of her friends from Martha's. She really enjoys it even though she hates the balance beam! I guess she got her mama's fear of heights! She has dance on Tuesdays. She has ballet and tap shoes. She gets so excited to go to dance!
As for the grown-ups in the house, Tim is still in grad school finishing up. He will be done in May and have his administration degree. So his
time is spent doing two kinds of school work. I have a wonderful class this year, of course still waiting to get an interview for assistant principal somewhere! Maybe next year will be my year! We have Fall Break in one more week and we are really ready for it! I plan on taking the kids to the zoo and taking Addy to the Children's Museum. I also am planning on trying to start looking for Addy a preschool for next year. I can't believe my baby will be starting preschool next year! Time sure is flying by! Hopefully I will have pictures from fall break on here and let everyone see what's been going on.
I will let you all enjoy some pictures that we got made a couple of weekends ago.

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